It’s not that I think National Adoption Day should be dropped, it’s that it should be re-focused and renamed. The whole “National Adoption Month” needs a face-lift. Who better to make the world aware of adoption than adoptees? It doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate the success of adoption but let that come from adoptees who actually feel their adoption was something to be celebrated! There may be a couple of them willing to do that…. one or two? If the whole point of this month is adoption awareness, then how come adoptees are completely left out of it? It’s all for us, right? Without our voices, it’s not a complete story therefore, not total awareness. But I see something powerful happening… I see adoptees finding the courage to speak out. What is happening is we are taking back this month and this day. Slowly but surely, this month/day will be talked about and marketed from our perspective, as it should be. We’re taking back the control and it feels really good. I am really late to this party, I must admit. I only heard about National Adoption Month last year and did not know the other side of adoption, the not so pretty side. I knew there were adoptees that were hurting and I wanted to help them; but as good as my intentions were, I was too naive to really know how to help them. Thankfully Twitter has opened up the world to me and now I know better of the different situations that hurt adoptees. I hope that it will be easier for me to help through my blog just by understanding more. The Declassified Adoptee posted an interview with Dr. L. DiAnne Borders, who came up with the Adoption-Reconstruction Phase Theory and I realized my whole life followed those 5 phases of what I call “realization”. I hope that it makes me a better blogger. I have always and still want to share your stories on my blog. I would love to publish interviews with your unique situation. If you’re interested, let me know! I know there are a LOT of adoptee bloggers out there who are powerful and are making a real difference in giving us confidence. We need to use the strength in our numbers and continue to “flip the script” on national adoption month/day. Let’s officially rename this month and day! It’s OUR time now.
What are your triggers?
As adoptees, we all have triggers that cause pain, sadness, or melancholy feelings regarding our adoption. For me, it’s my birthday. Even though my birthday is my favorite day of the year, it was also the one day that I KNEW my biological mother was thinking of me. At the end of the day, I would stare up into the night sky and tell her that I was thinking about her too, as cheesy as that was, it made me feel better. It warmed my heart to know that I was connecting with her in some crazy way. Once I met her, my birthday was a source of complete happiness because I didn’t have to send messages into the universe anymore, I could just talk to her. Then last Christmas I got the message about my biological grandmother (the one who arranged the adoption) that let me know she thought of me every year on my birthday and now I am triggered again on my birthday, this time thinking of her. My heart hurts for my grandmother who did the only thing she knew to do and what she thought was the best thing to do…. who suffered as greatly as my biological mother and I did. I had no idea she was so affected by it because she is the one who made the decision and now that I know she hurt so much by the loss of me, I hurt for the loss all over again. It really is a never ending cycle of pain. Even though people argue that the knowledge brings more pain, I would say that not knowing leaves a deeper, wider hole because our imaginations wreak havoc on our minds and hearts. I would definitely rather know because then I can process it and deal with the TRUTH, not imagination. Unfortunately, adoptees rarely get the truth and that is the most unforgivable yet accepted practice. Adoption causes irreparable trauma and I believe many adoptees suffer from PTSD from that trauma. Triggers are a symptom of PTSD and are a reminder of the trauma. Let’s talk about our trauma…. because we can’t heal by going around the pain, only through it. What are your triggers? Get on Twitter and join the #flipthescript movement to describe how adoption affected you, the adoptee, the only one that matters. Our voices need to be heard.
Adoptee Uncensored on National Adoption Awareness Month
Two sides to every coin… er…. adoption situation and no one is wrong
Who among you think that every belief and/or value is completely right or completely wrong? We have all developed our own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, values based on our experiences and situations but do you maintain that your opinions are 100% right without any gray area? Do you think there is absolutely no other way to feel about something and that people who do are just wrong? Something has been bothering me ever since I found the #adoption social media network. I have read the opinions and feelings of birth families, adoptive families and adoptees and as much as we preach about not speaking for us, I find that we actually do it to each other. I would like to give one specific example of this. I saw a tweet a few weeks ago that addressed the “silly cliches” that adoptive families and adoption agencies use to make us adoptees feel better. It was implying that those cliches are senseless and only meant to pacify us and help us feel grateful that we’re adopted, which many feel is intentionally neglecting the real problems we have as adoptees. Here’s how I feel about those “silly cliches”: Those explanations made me feel good about being adopted. Does that horrify you? Do you think that I should be ashamed and that I was lied to and should be angry about that? Are you telling me to feel betrayed by my adoptive parents? Are you telling me how to feel, period? Each and every one of us has the right to feel any way we want about our own situations. Some adoptees may justifiably feel those cliches are dumb and shouldn’t be used but others, like me, love that my parents explained things to me in a way that made me feel good. What they said to me was true; I am special. Just as I don’t want anyone telling me to be mad about those explanations, I’m not telling you to be glad. You are more than welcome to be mad at them and you likely have a very good reason for not liking them! There are two sides to every situation, every feeling, every belief. Being an adoptee can be complicated and there is no absolute way to feel; there are good things and bad things and we all feel differently about it based on our experiences! There are many adoptees who did not benefit from adoption and who are traumatized because of it but there are also adoptees who had beautiful lives and are amazing people BECAUSE they were adopted. Adoption is unique to every single situation, just as every situation surrounding a pregnant woman is different. Some women are in a serious relationship with the father, some are not. Even those women who are in a committed relationship with the father have different circumstances. No two pregnancy situations are the same; they can be similar, but not the exact same. No two adoptive families are the same in the way they adopted or raised their adopted child. Why can’t we talk about being adopted with open minds and support that not everyone feels the same way about it? We need to embrace adoptees whether they are happy people, or not. It’s about healing, if you need healing, and about helping others. It’s not about raising pitchforks to happy adoptees, it’s about raising pitchforks to the fraudulent parts of the adoption industry and antiquated legislation that holds our identities prisoner. Some adoptees don’t even care about THAT but let’s not condemn them for it. There are plenty of us who do want to fight those injustices. Let’s take just some of that energy usually spent talking about all the things that may or may not have have made us miserable and band together in the one ideal that everyone can agree is wrong and tell the world what our rights are and fight for that. Imagine the power…
The Adoptee’s Formula for Top Life Performance
Even the corporate world is starting to get that people are happier, therefore more productive, if you stimulate more than their brains. It requires going deeper than the surface when facing a task or an obstacle in completing a task. Cognitive skills are important but this theory maintains that your emotional state not only enhances your performance but also sustains it without depleting your health. The Harvard Business Review’s article called “The Making of a Corporate Athlete” states that people that have a deeper meaning and purpose sustain a high level of performance. Can’t we say the same in all aspects of our lives? Think about a person who knows their purpose in life, like a motivational speaker who is spreading awareness on something they’re passionate about. You can actually feel their energy and they can usually cause an effect in the people they talk to; aren’t they performing in their life? Aren’t they happy? Now think about someone who is lost in the world and can’t seem to find their purpose. They can be the smartest person in the world but feeling lost makes them unhappy. The constant searching and the focus on being unhappy keeps that person from performing to their fullest capacity in life. I see so many adoptees who struggle with this, always searching, searching, searching. What are they missing out on because they’re looking for their identity? Human nature is that we need to know who we are before we can find our purpose in life. Some adoptees will never be able to find out where they came from so let me offer a way of thinking that might help get past that. If you’re one of those adoptees who will never know, use the power of your brain and thoughts to convince yourself that you’re the first of your bloodline! You are the beginning and maybe your purpose is to start a bloodline with a special purpose: a bloodline who will always know who they are and where they came from or maybe you could create a legacy for your children and their children and so on. Be the first one and create your bloodline in the way you want and there is your purpose. Once you have a purpose, you can start performing in life and even more importantly, be happy. The Harvard article talks about training executives on this performance pyramid that takes into account their mind, body and spirit. We need to train in the same way for our lives and happiness. Be a leader in your own life. Be a performer. You have the power!
Battling Identity Abrasions
Is there any greater joy, greater pain, greater stress, greater accomplishment than being a parent? Adoption agencies tell prospective clients all of the hardships that come with parenting but they don’t tell you about the pride you will feel from day one. They don’t tell them how you feel complete just by the presence of your child because they are an extension of you. I don’t want to make this about adoption, though, I want to simply express astonishment that every single day I am surprised when I think I couldn’t feel more angry, more proud, more happy, more stressed by my child and then….. I do. How? How do my emotions and expressions intensify with every day that passes? Is it the higher life stakes that brings me to my knees either in praise or frustration? What makes it all even more interesting is that my child is exactly like me in almost every way. It’s like I’m raising my clone and you would think this would make it easier but it makes it harder. I know the pitfalls but she doesn’t and can’t comprehend them and I think we all know teenagers think they know better. When she needs to be and do better at something, I’m the one that stresses. I want to jump into her body and do what I know needs to be done and knowing that I can’t do that stresses me out! I feel her pain, her happiness, her stress like it is my own. When she was born and was young, I stressed over shaping her character and developing her morals. Righting her wrongs didn’t seem to stress me out too much because I was in control. Once she got into Middle School she developed a level of maturity that shocked me. I have been so lucky in that she makes very mature decisions for herself. Was it the values I instilled in her from birth? I’d like to think so but she has her own personality and likes/dislikes and her own mind so who is to say I made her the way she is? Maybe she was always that way and just grew into it. Now she’s in high school and I’m realizing that things she does now will directly affect her future, and her happiness. She has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders and because she has always been responsible, I give her a lot of space to make decisions and do the right thing without me having to tell her. I’m proud that I can do that. Although I have learned from experience not to underestimate her, she’s still a kid and still learning and I wouldn’t have it any other way. When she was little, I helped her develop character but now that she’s older she has to let her mistakes develop her character. I also have never felt so proud of this young lady, who isn’t perfect, but is learning. I have to be just as proud of the mistakes. The great grandmother in the movie “Parenthood” talked about how she loved roller coasters. She said she had never felt so anxious, happy, scared, excited, sick to her stomach, and thrilled all at once. Isn’t being a parent exactly the same thing? The grandfather in the movie talked about how you don’t stop being a parent when your kids turn 18 years old. He talked about how they are always your kids and the parenting never ends. It’s a never ending roller coaster. I personally hate real roller coasters and will only ride it once! I hate it when I’m on it, then when I get off I think it was pretty fun, but I never get on it again. Maybe that’s why I only had one child! My head, heart, and guts could never do it again, but I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world. When or if someone is trying to tell you only the negative of having kids, remember that nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Raising a child truly is the greatest accomplishment humans can achieve, whether you gave birth to them or not.
State of the Union (also know as my blog)
I have been in the blogging business for over a year now and I never imagined how much joy and peace it would give me, and continues to give me. I never know what my final product will be or how far I will go or what new revelations I will discover when I begin writing a topic. Writing makes me dig deeper than even my inner thoughts do when I’m just thinking. I wanted to first say THANK YOU to everyone and anyone who actually reads my blog, whether you’re a one time visitor or a dedicated follower. There are a few things I want to highlight (some self marketing, if you will) to ensure you know everything I offer outside of a weekly article. If you look to the right column, you will find a “Buy Now” button through paypal, to buy a paperback hardcopy version of my book. Not too many of you are purchasing it this way so after one month I’m going to disable that. Another reason I’m disabling that function is because you can now buy my book on Amazon for your Kindle or Fire! More and more people are preferring to buy their books this way and it is cheaper. It is $12.99 hard copy or $9.99 on Amazon. Also in the right column are links to some of my favorite websites for adoptees. If you’d like to be on this list, let me know! Ok here is a very important and discouraging fact I need to discuss: My subscription service isn’t working! I love to see my subscriber number increasing by leaps and bounds everyday and it upsets me greatly that you all are not getting the email telling you when I post a new article. I’ve known for quite some time but have been trying to fix it and have worked with my hosting service numerous times to no avail. It is actually a problem with the plugin tool itself and until they work out the issue, I’m helpless. I could delete that service and use a new one but I lose over 3,800 subscribers if I do so I would ask that you please hang in there and hopefully it is resolved soon. In the meantime, if you want to know when I post a new article, go to my Facebook page and hit “Like” and you will see it in your newsfeed! You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram, handle name for both is lizstory0611, for updates. As for the format of my blog, I like the short thought pieces that flow down in one page with the archives in a link to the right. Please go back and check out my other articles, too. I like that the page isn’t cluttered with links and ads all over the place making it easy to view and absorb. However, if you have any suggestions for me in how to make it better, I would love to hear them! Finally, I just want to thank each and every one of you that take the time to read my thoughts on this wildly diverse subject of adoption from all sides and all opinions. I am not anti/pro anything. I just want to make people think and I want to help people heal. I don’t typically get comments on my posts that aren’t spam so I highly encourage you to speak up and be interactive. I truly want to hear your thoughts, even if they’re negative towards me or my ideals. I know we are not all the same and I think that’s a great thing. Each adoptee has a different experience and I’d love to post your story if you want to be heard. Again, I thank everyone who has taken a moment to read my blog; I hope you come back for more! xoxo
Is reunion for adoptees like reunion for kidnapped victims?
Did my birth story make me independent?
