It’s shameful that adoptees are relegated to DNA testing for their heritage

adoptee DNAStop and think about this, most adoptees who want to know where they came from are forced to take a DNA test and hope for the best all because of the antiquated, culturally-driven privacy laws that keep original birth certificates locked up. From what I’ve read, a DNA test can give you lots of answers but sometimes can lead to even more questions. Why should adoptees have to submit themselves to a DNA test when there is a piece of paper that can unlock it all? I realize that taking a DNA test isn’t physically painful but the anxiety and emotions behind it can be. If I weren’t one of the lucky ones that was able to retrieve my original birth certificate, I am certain I would also be taking the DNA test. I wonder what kind of emotions I would go through and I wonder exactly what it would tell me? Do you have to rely on DNA databases for family matches? How many people do you know just goes and submits their DNA to a database for no reason? I understand they are very reliable but how successful are they in finding specific family members? How many of you have done it? I want to hear your stories about it. I want to know how you felt throughout the process and how it ended up for you. Are you angry that you had to go through this process rather than just be given your original birth certificate? I’m sorry for each of you that are forced to do this just to know where you came from. It is a shame that legislation developed over 50 years ago still governs our past and future.

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