Book reviews!

adoptee book reviewsFeedback is very important to me. I appreciate reading your reviews of my book and thought I’d share a few with you. Thank you very much to the reviewers who wrote these. If you’d like to leave a review, click on the review page and fill out the form! Thank you!

Gary Richter wrote:
This book is an honest, well written, an inspirational journey through the life of someone who experienced more than her fair share of ups and downs. This is an enjoyable and very fast read. Liz gives a great perspective of an adoptee and how it has affected her life in a positive way. Liz also does a great job of making her many life experiences very interesting making the reader looking forward to the “next chapter”. Looking forward to reading her next book. This one comes highly recommended.
Tracy Coven wrote:
I loved it !!!! I love to read books but always read fiction. I always thought non fiction would be boring but definitely not the case . This was very interesting from start to finish . I read it in two sittings. I feel like your my best friend since I know so much about you! ha ha don’t be scared 🙂 I found it so inspiring with what you did as we’ll !! great job I’ll be sharing this book !!!


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