Gimme more!!! What’s good, and bad, about always wanting more

adoptee moreI don’t care who you are, you always want more of something! Do you ever say things like, I’ll be happy if I just get that promotion or I’ll finally have everything I want if I can just buy my dream house? I know I do that. And then when I get that promotion or new thing, after a little while I find myself wanting more…. the next level up. I think this can be a healthy way to live because it keeps you from being lazy but just as with everything else in life, there has to be a balance, which is important because going to extremes in any situation is bad. We should all want more for ourselves and those we love. For example, we should all want to learn more and I don’t mean learning only in school. Thanks to the world becoming more and more flat through the internet and easier global communications, the possibilities are endless in learning about our world, cultures, ideals, religion, sociology, economics, and interpersonal relationships, all of which makes you a better and well-rounded human being. Never think that you know it all, always want to learn more. We should all want to love more. There can never be too much love ever! I challenge anyone with a bitter heart to try replacing that bitterness with love even for just a day and see how much better and enriched you feel. We all lead by example so get to loving and never settle for less love than you deserve! It is very healthy to want more of all the intangible things in life. We should all want more for ourselves but when it comes to the material things, we need to be careful. This is where the traps lie in waiting for you to become greedy. It’s good to always want a bigger paycheck because you work smarter and harder to achieve your goals, which is very important. But take care not to let those bigger goals make you greedy. You become greedy when you want MORE of the material things and LESS of the intangible things like love and expanding your mind. When you have all the material things in the world without the intangibles, you will be unhappy; somehow your mind begins to transform and you think the happiness will come back if you have more and better material things. This is the downward spiral that we need to avoid from wanting more. It’s great to want more but keep the balance between the intangible and tangible things life has to offer and you will have it all!

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