Above the influence

adoptee influencePhoto: Bunch of good kids I went to school with who surely lived above the influence.

Sure we live in adult bodies but sometimes our minds are susceptible to peer pressure, just like when we were adolescents. There are people who are very passionate and convincing, making you feel like their opinions are the only sensible ones. All of a sudden you begin to wonder why you haven’t thought that way before and start to transform your opinions. I think every one of us can say this has happened in some capacity, whether you were convinced to add the sports package on to your cable service or to donate to the latest trendy cause, we are all subject to influence. I think it’s ok to be influenced to THINK about whatever it is they’re saying, but don’t be a blind sheep who follows just because you’re told to follow. You have your own brain that makes decisions and forms opinions based on your genetic code, upbringing, and experiences. I am grateful to have found so may people who are anti-adoption because it has really made me think about their points of view and I’m working on getting more educated about adoption, the good and bad of it. I haven’t quite fallen to their “side” yet, and I don’t think I will ever say I’m against adoption. But it has caused me to think and learn more about it. When I first started this journey I thought that everyone loved adoption and most people had good experiences. Of course I’m not delusional, I knew there were very bad cases of children being abused or birth mothers being forced to give up their children. But I thought our society as a whole thought adoption was good. Now I see there are so many who say otherwise so I’m listening… but not following. I’m learning and that is enriching my life my scope so that I can write with a very open mind. You don’t have to be a leader, but don’t blindly follow. Listen to your heart and gut, and educate yourself. Make an informed and solid decision that can be based on passion, but not led by it.

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