Stay Gucci…

adoptee bossHave you ever been told not to care what others think and to be yourself? Do you find that to be easier said than done? We all care on some level what others think but there is a way to not worry about that and it’s not that hard to do! You want to know how? Be true to yourself. Do “you”, not the superficial and immature “you”, but the “you” that may be buried deep. Adoptees will tell you they don’t know who they really are until they find their birth parents but your genetic makeup and environment have already made you who you are today. Finding your birth parent is only the “aaah” moment. When you meet them and get to know them you feel that validation but you already knew who you were. Finding the birth parent just validates WHY you are the way you are. Remember that post about perceptions? Yeah, if you tell yourself you don’t know who you are because you never found your birth parent then you will become a lost soul believing that is the only way to know but you already know! It’s in your gut who you are, you just are unsure of yourself. Follow your gut (genetics/environment) and do what makes you happy and THAT is staying true to yourself. Don’t depend on someone else to make you feel whole, only you can do that for yourself. One day, you will realize who it is you are and it might be through trial and error of actions, but you will figure it out. Also, instead of worrying about what others THINK, worry more about how your actions make others FEEL. People who matter will form opinions of you based on how you make them feel. No matter what, please know somewhere inside you are GUCCI, believe it, live it. Stay Gucci, pony boy.

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