Free falling

adoptee free fall

My friend recently decided she wants to start a new chapter in her life and characterized it as running straight for a cliff and flying off the edge into a free fall and looking forward to seeing where she landed while feeling confident that she would land on her feet. How courageous is that? I feel like I’ve done just that so many times in my life. I love the feeling of free-falling not knowing exactly where I’m going to land. It is exciting for me, but I know there are plenty of people (my friend included) that do not live their lives that way. It’s different than reckless abandon because you’re more prepared to land somewhere other than where you’re at now. I am so happy for her to have that experience because although not all my jumps have been successful, I don’t regret a single one. If I had been too scared to go for it, then I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today. So where’s your cliff? Isn’t it time to close your eyes… and run? Go for it!

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