You mad, bro??

adoptee madI think some people just like to be mad. You know those people, the ones who like drama? They get a kick out of being a victim or being mad but they may not even realize they like it! I’ve met adoptees who have negative attitudes and seem to enjoy telling me their bad situation. Some of them don’t even remember experiencing the bad situation, but they’ve either told themselves or been told for so many years that they take on that attitude. Then there are adoptees who go through very deep and painful experiences either with their adoptive family and/or birth families who are so positive and determined to not let those circumstances define them. I am humbled by the people who have been through the worst and felt so much pain yet they are not mad and angry people with bad attitudes. Everything happens for a reason. Stop blaming everyone and everything around you and learn to appreciate those bad situations for making you the great person you are! It’s not what you’ve been through, it’s how you came out better.

2 thoughts on “You mad, bro??”

  1. Hi Liz. I’ve never been an angry adoptee. For that matter, I don’t get angry about too many things. When I do get mad, it doesn’t last very long. What’s the point of being mad anyway? Anger requires a lot of energy that could be channeled into something more constructive.

  2. I’m the same way! In one post, I talk about how it’s ok to pitch a fit, in fact I recommend it. However, pitch your fit, take any lessons you can about it, then move on! Life’s too short to be mad. 🙂

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