It’s your mouth and you can say what you want

adoptee mouthYes, it is certainly your mouth and you’re entitled to say whatever you want but don’t be surprised about the reactions you get. People (typically celebrities) usually say this when they’re suffering a backlash or bad reaction from something they’ve said. People can only form opinions of you based on your words and actions. You are free to say what you want but remember that others are free to think what they want. If you say controversial things don’t be mad that someone forms a bad opinion. I’m not saying you should care what people think of you but just know what to expect when you show people you don’t care what they think. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you say as long as you’re true to yourself. If you’re being true to yourself, you’re not saying things JUST to make people mad or to get attention! Use your mouth for good, not to be self serving, and you won’t have to worry about what others think!

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