Ocean = Peace

adoptee peaceI have an emotional connection to the beach. I can’t explain it but since the first day I ever saw the ocean it mesmerized me. I was a senior in high school and was on my senior trip to Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. I would sit there at night and just close my eyes, listening to the waves crashing in on the beach. The sounds and warm breeze causes me to reflect and just breathe. So interesting that I ended up meeting my first husband in Germany, yet he was from the beach and that is where I ended up living. Although I’m not still with him, I still live near the beach and remarried to an amazing man. Everything happens for a reason, I always say. Today, I’m at a resort directly on the beach attending an event for work. I was very sad and lonely when I got here since I’m here alone however, at the suggestion of a friend, I took a walk on the beach and instantly I felt peaceful all alone. Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt so fortunate to be… just be. I’m so lucky. I’m lucky to have an amazing family (all of them) and lucky to be in this life. What makes you FEEL yourself, to your core? If you search for anything, search for that. It’s part of your journey. Good luck, friends.

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