When does this phrase apply the most? When we need to communicate our feelings. I know every person reading this knows exactly what I’m talking about and have felt this way more than once! Knowing you need to do something that is going to cause hurt or sadness or anger causes great anxiety and procrastination. The conversation we have with ourselves on why we need to do it is easy; actually communicating that or following through is not easy. We talk to our friends and ask advice but even coming up with a good approach doesn’t make it easier. It is the dread of the reaction that makes it so difficult. Every day that you don’t communicate or do something you have to do is another day that you’re torn and anxious. You have to ask yourself, is living with that day after day better? Is living with regret that you didn’t do what you had to do, better? Can you live less than the happiest you could be because you’re scared to communicate and take action for yourself? I know taking the easy way out seems like a good compromise for everyone involved but it is a short term fix. If you ignore the feelings they will come back time and time again just to remind you that they’re still there. I know it is easier said than done, but you have to communicate or take action for yourself because believe it or not, no matter how much it might hurt someone else in the short term, it truly is the best thing for everyone in the long run. Don’t let things fester, take care of it, deal with the backlash which may be really bad, then heal and move on with your life with no regrets. I know it is hard, but put on your suit of armor, gather your courage and be a warrior for yourself. You deserve it.