Stop…. and listen. Just listen

adoptee listenDo you find yourself interrupting people? Do you really hear someone when they’re telling you something or are you just waiting for them to finish their sentence so you can spit out what’s in your head before you lose it? In literally every situation, listening to the person you’re communicating with can change your life by improving every relationship you have, even with people you really don’t like! In an argument, there’s no quicker way to diffuse it than to go silent and just listen to them. It actually forces them to listen to themselves. If they’re being unreasonable, it gives them the chance to realize it. Or it gives them the chance to explain their point better without your distraction. Either way, the argument will be resolved quicker and friendlier! What about the awful and sometimes awkward situation where you’re talking to someone who is very sad or dealing with some kind of loss? Many of us do not know what to say to make them feel better but here is the irony – not saying anything at all and just letting them talk it out makes them feel better. Just listen. I think it is obvious that listening is important in our romantic relationships and there are many, many articles and books written on that subject! Not just hearing someone but actually listening can make you a hero in someone’s eyes. There’s no greater compliment to me than someone telling me I’m a great listener! If someone has come to you to talk about a problem they’re having and need help, they usually just need to talk it out and will find their own solution. Just listen. When someone has an opinion that you don’t agree with, listen to them and continue to listen to them. You may never change your mind but at least you are armed with more knowledge from the other point of view, which in turn gives you more intelligence to use for debate. You have to keep an open mind and know that NO ideal is ever absolute. There are pros and cons to everything. Listening to all sides makes you a well rounded and intelligent person. You will learn more than you ever wanted to know but it will change your life. Try the “Just Listen” challenge for one day and see how it opens your world.

One thought on “Stop…. and listen. Just listen”

  1. Very insightful!! Thanks.. personally, that may be my weakness.. I DO listen and pay attention, but I am also one who interrupts and spits out my thoughts….because I’m afraid of losing my thought!!! Also,! LOVE what you said about listening and though u may disagree, you’re armed with more knowledge from the other side. So right! Thanks for this!

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