How many different ways can we NOT raise the humans we create?

adoptee waysI’m a bit fascinated by all the different ways a person can end up with a non-biological family. I was thinking about how studies typically only cover one kind of adoptee or another or birth parents or adoptive parents… but I haven’t seen a study that covers all the different people affected by the different ways that a child is relinquished. So how many different ways are there to affect a human in this way? There’s the typical well-known adoption, foster care, cryogenics, surrogacy… am I missing anything? What about those that were tricked, or switches at birth when you don’t even know that you’re raising a non-biological child? Ok, the last one there doesn’t happen often nor is it deliberate, like the others. So let’s go ahead and discount that, however, think about all of the other ways. That is a lot of different people affected in lots of different ways. Is there a study out there that takes every perspective into consideration and spits out an average feeling of the children, the bio parents and non bio parents? I hope you all know by now that I believe in adoption and I also believe in surrogacy and cryogenics… (wait for it)… BUT, I also believe that bio and non-bio parents absolutely have to know what to expect when their children get older. This is the biggest foul in my mind (not counting the adoption industry fouls). Where are the resources out there for these bio and non-bio parents to learn about the consequences of what they’re doing, how to let their kids know the truth and how to deal with their feeling about it. Am I missing something? Has this been done and I just didn’t know? The adoption consequences are becoming very well known but the children born from cryogenics and surrogates are either unknown or not documented. I’d like to work with a psychologist and develop that study! Knowledge is power. Hmmm, maybe a book with a different take from “What To Expect When You’re Expecting” and I call it “What To Expect When You’re Raising A Non-Biological Child”.

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