We gotta fight for our right!

adoptee fightI think… I HOPE, there is a movement afoot for adoptees and first/birth mothers. I am seeing more articles and more news stories on TV about adoption. Social media is giving us the opportunity and medium to stand up and be heard. Momentum seems to be gathering and we need to keep it moving because this is about human rights. Adoptees are denied their identity due to antiquated laws developed from a warped culture of perceived shame and honor. It’s hard to believe that “society” was so uncaring and uneducated that they could shame families and young mothers into the situation of adoption and ripping babies from their mother’s arms ONLY because it supposedly brought shame to the family. If you stop and think about that, it is incredulous that our advanced country ever thought that was acceptable. I’m talking about the early to mid 1900’s when this was the culture and the laws that protected the birth mother’s identity by law. But I’m seeing change, only in a few states, but it is happening. Ohio just signed legislation to open their adoption records. This is momentum and an event that provides us a springboard to bring more awareness to adoptees’ human rights to their identity. We need to stand up together in our very large numbers and use this event to fight for more; we need the 47 other states to follow suit. I know I want to help. I will be contacting adoption activists to see what we can do to bring change but we need to present a unified front and be impossible to ignore!!! I’m going to be aggressive and relentless to get the Adoptees’ Rights Movement going so we ALL are given our original birth certificates. Stay tuned….

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