Switched At Birth… I’m fascinated!

adoptee switched at birthI’ve spent the last three days watching this show that was on ABC Family channel called “Switched at Birth”. I’m absolutely fascinated by the dynamics although I understand the “apple pie” way things are portrayed on TV. I think if you have spent a few minutes reading through some of my old blog posts you will know that I’m interested in the nature vs. nurture theories. This show really focuses on that and I love it! Of course, it is drama TV so it also focuses on the relationships and throws in curve balls like one family being very rich and the other… not so much. And then let’s make it even more dramatic and make one of the girls deaf! But they really seem to capture many of the issues experienced by adoptees, who do I look like, where did I get my tendencies and likes/dislikes, and then they even cover a reunion type of situation and ALL of the crazy situations that involves, including the parents’ feelings! I truly relate to this show and appreciate the care they took in covering all the angles. It is so interesting how one girl always felt different and that something wasn’t right and the other girl didn’t. After meeting both families it is clear how both girls handle all situations in a similar way to their biological mothers although they have many traits that they learned through their non-biological families. One thing always rings true to EVERY HUMAN BEING… we ALL want to know where we came from, who we came from and to know what makes us tick because knowing that brings an incredible understanding that is almost like unlocking the secrets of the universe! Even natural born people spend millions of dollars a year in therapy trying to figure that out. Adoptees are at a disadvantage from birth. Knowing your genetics and heritage is a HUMAN RIGHT. In the “switched at birth” scenario, it was recognized by law that their human right was to know who their biological parents were. Why should it be any different for an adoptee? I’m an advocate for human rights for all… what about you?

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