Adoptee OhioI was very excited to see a posting on Facebook about Ohio passing their Senate Bill 23, which was legislation to open birth records for adoptees born between the years of 1964 and 1996. After digging a little more, I have learned that it still needs to go back through the House so they’re not quite to the finish line, but is very close! Unfortunately, there were some concessions made on this legislation, and it is a little disappointing. The “catch” is that the birth parents have a year to have their name redacted from the original birth certificate. If they don’t do it within that year, then the adoptee will receive all of their information. If they do redact it, the adoptee will receive everything except the birth parent’s name. I don’t understand why this concession was made, but it is still a huge step forward for adoptees born in Ohio between those years. If you think about it, most birth parents aren’t particularly paying attention and won’t even see the legislation therefore won’t go redact their names so there’s hope in that. After waiting a lifetime, I’m sure another year seems like forever away but it is at least a light at the end of the tunnel! Hang in there Ohio adoptees, changes they are a-coming! Thank you to both Senators Beagle and Burke for helping to make this happen. For more information, visit the Adoption Equity Ohio Facebook page at this link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10152092852630871&id=342147335870

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