Nostalgia and traditions of home

adoptee thanksgivingMany of you know that I went home to Arkansas for Thanksgiving. My brother, nephew and dad all went to the woods for deer hunting so I was able to have a girls weekend with my mom, cousins and sister-in-law. It was a special Thanksgiving for me since I had not spent it with my family since moving to Florida, twelve years ago. Whenever I go home, I always get nostalgic. I was just home 3 months ago but I still drove around to all my old haunts to see how they were faring. My daughter has become very familiar with all the sites now as I force her through the same stories every time we go back. It seems when we all get together, all I want to do is talk about old times and every sentence begins with “remember that time…”. This time I was very fortunate to have met up with some very old friends at my book signing events. I saw friends and family that I had not seen for over twenty years! We talked about what we were all up to now, but the conversation always went back to old times and the traditions we had then. It’s so comforting to have that history and to be able to look back with my loved ones. As we grew up and on, nostalgia replaced tradition. I love going home and reliving my happy childhood with my cousins and brother. This time was also different because I was holding book signing events. My mom came with me to the first one at my cousin’s shop, The Sassy Stitch. It was very weird to be talking so openly about my adoption with her there and people asking her questions about it. It was never a topic of discussion when I was growing up because there was never a reason to discuss it. I was hyper sensitive for my mom’s feelings but she really has accepted it and could talk freely about it now. I’m so proud of her. Whether you’re adopted or not, you have a history with someone and there was bound to be one or two good times so embrace it. I hope everyone else had as great a Thanksgiving holiday as I did. I know it is a hard holiday for many but think of it this way – you made it through another one! Now focus on getting through today and tomorrow. I’m a little late here, but I want to tell every person reading this whether I know you or not, I’m very thankful for your existence and thankful that you are reading this blog. I wish all the peace in the world to each of you. Now on to Christmas!!!! xoxo

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