mobile events

Wow, what a great city with great people. I had the best time in Mobile last weekend promoting my book! It was one of the best experiences of my life, almost like I gave birth again and this was my child’s coming out party! I am so grateful to have had the experience and I’m looking forward to more. I must give my shout-outs now, so bear with me. First of all, Brooke O’Donnell with Millimedia was amazing. She has the contacts and PR knowledge it takes to promote a product. She was going through one of the most stressful times in her life and still managed to stay on top of my events. I love her, not only because she is my sister-in-law, but because she is a great person! Thank you to Nell, my birth aunt who has my kidney and is treating it so well. She was kind enough to join me on the tv interview. She has become very active with the Kidney Foundation and is doing great work to raise awareness and research dollars. She has also gotten active in charity/fundraising walks/runs. She got a new lease on life and is determined to live it to the fullest! Thank you to my birth mother without whom none of this would be possible! She has done a lot of healing and has a lot of healing left to do but she has been very brave to come “out” in her community and city as a birth mother. It was difficult and she was scared, but she fought through that so that I could have my experience. I want to thank my daughter, Bella, for coming along for the ride and being so wonderful on tv and with all the people we met. She was a great saleswoman too! Thank you to my husband for his patience and constant support of everything that I do! He is amazing and I’m very lucky to have him! He was busy with his business, Brian’s Plate Glass, and was unable to join us for this trip. Thank you to my birth family that came and supported, my brother Sean, sister Kelly, brother Rob, my aunt Lee and my stepfather Bob. Finally, thank you to all of the wonderful people I met on this road trip! They say how inspiring I am, but everyone has a story and I found just as much inspiration in them. Ok, enough shout-outs (and I hope I didn’t forget anyone). Now I want your help. One of the first people I met was a kind lady who is a family law lawyer and works with a foundation called Adoption Rocks out of Mobile. The group endeavors to change the perception that adoption is bad. Although she and I didn’t get to talk too long, I am anxious to get to know her and the foundation better. For those of you who are anti-adoption, I want to talk to you too, because what I would like to do is fill the gaps between the two groups so that this foundation is honest and true and doesn’t have the issues that many do with manipulation and unethical money swapping. I have so much more to learn on the negatives so that I can move forward with positives that make sense for everyone. Talk to me, you guys, tell me your thoughts and help me help us all. Email me with the biggest problems of adoption and what many of these foundations do that you see as unethical. You’ll never convince me that adoption (as a whole) is bad, but I do know there are major problems so please tell me what those are. I have ideas on how to make adoption better, but I want to hear yours too. I look forward to it!

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