So what are you saying?

adoptee not angryI talked last night about finding an “underground” network of bloggers and a lot of them are against adoption. I spent more time reading those and it is very upsetting to me. I’m an adoptee and these blogs make me feel like I SHOULD be upset about being adopted and that if I’m happy that I’ve simply been brainwashed by adoption propaganda. The things I read make me wonder why I’ve never been pissed off about being adopted. Is it just me?? Am I the only one that was excited by the fact I was adopted because it meant there was more to me than what meets the eye? It was a mystery for me to solve about myself. As frustrating as that was, it was exhilarating. Don’t get me wrong, I completely respect those people who are against adoption and honestly I am thankful I stumbled upon your blogs because it is making me think about the adoption industry in a more analytical nature. I never considered the money that exchanges hands and how corrupt that can be. I never considered the selfishness that is involved on some adoptive parents part (NOT ALL) that they are trying to fulfill their need with no regard to the child they would be receiving. I 100% appreciate and respect their feelings and so happy that I found their blogs. What makes my stomach churn and flip flop is that I never once felt anger or betrayal by my parents or my birth mother but these blogs make me feel alien for that. I don’t have a sense of loss and I will never feel betrayed but my heart hurts for those of you who do. I wish you had my “blindness” to all of that, although I doubt any of you wish the same. On the other hand, there are adoption activists that I could really get behind with their valid points of corruption in the industry (read about Veronica or Desirai). I’m all about a righteous fight! So I hope that even though I don’t feel the same way you do, that you will accept me into your world. I truly look forward to following all of you in your continued journeys and understanding your points of view. It takes all kinds… thank you all!

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