Underground network

adoption underground network

When I first started thinking about my blog I did some light research on other adoption blogs. I did the typical Google searches but I must not have dug beneath the surface because there wasn’t that much out there at first glance. Maybe my searches weren’t worded right or I was focusing my search too tightly, but I couldn’t find a lot from adoptees. Even for the first few months that I was active on the blog I didn’t find a whole lot. But all of a sudden, because of twitter, I have found a treasure trove of blogs and articles on adoption from all sorts of perspectives. I spent all last night reading and reading and interacting on twitter until I couldn’t read anymore. It’s like I unlocked or broke through the code and now get all kinds of notifications about interesting articles and blog postings. I feel like it is a bit “underground”, this whole network of bloggers and activists. I’m sure they don’t think they are hard to find, but they were for me. I’m just very happy that twitter has opened up my aperture on the subject. Expect lots of great posts in the future addressing many different opinions and debatable topics. But please, give me your opinions on the subjects. I LOVE a good debate!!

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