Weekend assignment… are you up for it?

adoptee assignmentSo the way my blog is laid out, first time visitors may not realize I have a TON of posts dating all the way back to July! Some of my best stuff was written months ago buried in the archives. Even if you’re not a first time visitor and follow me everyday, you might have forgotten some post subjects. So your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to go all the way back to July and read through the posts one by one. If you have an opinion on the subject, please comment! I’m really missing interaction with my readers so it would be fantastic if you could comment your thoughts so we can talk more deeply about the post! I’m also very interested in different perspectives on the topics I talk about so if you’re an adoptee, a birth parent, an adoptive parent, or birth family member I want to hear from you! Thank you to all of you who read my posts, happy reading!

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