So I’ve recently heard from other adoptees whose experiences include finding their birth parent is deceased. Could there be a bigger disappointment?? You suffer twice as much, from the loss and then the lack of closure. Your questions go unanswered for the rest of your life. It is like your favorite tv show getting canceled mid-season and NOTHING is resolved. It is completely up to your imagination to finish the story. We have questions about our birth parents and/or family. We want to know what they look like, we want to know what their personalities are like, heritage, and medical history, to name a few. While all of those things can be answered by others, there are answers to questions you will never get answered like, what would they think of me now, would they love my children, what was going through their minds when the decision was made to place me for adoption? So how do you possibly get past this ultimate disappointment? How do you bury years of curiosity and anticipation of one day meeting your birth parent? I would imagine that even meeting relatives wouldn’t fill the void you will feel. Other adoptee bloggers like Jessenia Arias (www.