What’s in a name: Part 2

adoptee first nameCrickett: That was my “name” growing up. Once I got to middle school, I made sure teachers and new friends called me Liz. I could never escape Crickett, though. And please notice that it is spelled with two “t’s”. In my kindergarten frame of mind I figured that if I had to have a weird name it might as well be spelled differently than an insect. I got older and more people I met called me Liz and the name Crickett is now associated with only my family and close friends of my family. That name has come to represent my childhood and family, growing up in the country. My birth family only knows me as Liz and so that has come to represent my adult and current life. Remember my post about what’s in a name? I took the stance that the name identifies you to a family and this continues to be true for me with Crickett vs Liz. When I hear Crickett, I automatically think of an innocent and precocious little girl trying to find her way in this big world. When I hear Liz, I think of an accomplished and well-balanced adult. Funny thing about names, the last name identifies you to a family but the first name identifies YOU. I just realized that. What’s in your name?

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