Sometimes things happen to YOU to benefit others

adoptee everything happens for a reasonI’ve talked about bad things that turn out to be good things but  do horrible, tragic, life changing events also happen for a reason? How can we justify something really tragic like a car accident that takes your limbs or your mental capacity. Maybe your “thing” that happens isn’t always for YOU, maybe it’s for someone else. Maybe you were avoiding another car and subsequently caused yourself major injury? You saved the other person’s life. I’m sure that doesn’t exactly make you feel better, having saved someone else while you suffer their consequences but maybe you would be honored for your courageous act? Or maybe the example you set of being so selfless influences others to also be selfless. Maybe you will become an inspiration for the world. My dear friend has recently experienced near death and may have to live without the use of his legs and one of his arms. Knowing the kind of person that he is, if/when he is able, I know that he will show us all how he could overcome those challenges and still live a happy life. There are others who have overcome major adversity only to show others like them how they are still able to live a happy and fruitful life.  There is a gentlemen named Nick Vujicic who was born without arms or legs. His life’s mission has been to inspire the world with his ability to overcome these challenges. Sometimes you have to experience painful events and suffer awful consequences in order to help someone else. Maybe your life mission is to inspire the world, that could be your reason. Through the rain, there is sunshine so share that sunshine with the world because God knows the world needs it! The world needs people like Nick and my friend to show us that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

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