My mom’s untold strength

adoptee leukemia

When I say my “mom” I am always talking about my adoptive mom. She always has and always be my mom. I hate even using the words “adoptive mom” because I don’t feel that way but I know I have to distinguish between her and my birth mother. She and I didn’t always get along. We had a lot of trouble throughout our lives together and even though I was always curious about my birth mother and wanted to find her eventually, it truly didn’t change how much I loved my mom. I may not have always liked her (and I know for a fact she can say the same about me) but I have always loved her. Mom was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in 2001, right before I left Arkansas for Florida. Luckily, they found it at stage 0; now here we are in 2013 and my mom is still with us! My mom is tough as nails. I knew that she would outlast any prognosis the doctors gave her. She has gone through her share of blood and chemo treatments but she has endured. My mom always was the most stubborn woman I ever knew! I know eventually the cancer will take her Home but in the meantime I’m going to try and make up for all those times I was such a brat and ungrateful jerk to her. When the awful time finally comes for my mom, “adoptee” won’t be in my vocabulary because I was born from her heart, which is just as solid as a womb.

2 thoughts on “My mom’s untold strength”

  1. Hi Liz. I’m so glad your mom is still part of your life. It’s interesting how you’ve had your ups and downs with her. I also had mixed experiences with my adoptive mother. We didn’t have a great relationship but I always loved her and I know she loved me. All the best to you…Lynne

    1. Thanks Lynne! Yes we definitely had our issues but who is to say I wouldn’t have had issues with my birth mother, had she raised me! Parenting styles are all different, some work well some don’t. I don’t think it’s different just because you’re adopted. I know lots of people who had issues with their parents growing up and they weren’t adopted! I think some adoptees use the fact they’re adopted as a crutch or excuse as to why there were issues instead of really looking at themselves or their parents deep down to find the real issues. Ok I’m off my soap box lol thank you again and I wish you all the best! Xoxo

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