It’s ok to pitch a fit!

adoptee screamsI know most of my posts talk about how we should always be positive and how to look for the reason that something is happening to you but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have the right to be upset. You’re allowed a mental breakdown or a good cry when you face adversity. It is part of the healthy process to allow yourself to feel upset and let it all out. I think everyone has heard that bottling it up isn’t any good for you. It is definitely good to get it out, whether you’re being rational or not, at least you’re letting those emotions out. It’s getting through that rain so that you can see the sunshine. What isn’t healthy is dwelling on the bad feelings. You cry or scream to let those bad feelings OUT of your mind and body. Then it is time to start thinking about what is next and what positives you can take from the situation. It had been a really long time since the last time I had cried but this week I broke down and pitched myself a fit. I cried really hard and even got into my car and screamed as loud as I could three times. I cried some more, then I gathered myself with positive and assertive thoughts. It felt good to let it all out that way but I didn’t want it to last because I like being happy! I’m not saying that every bad situation can be dealt with in a 10 minute outburst and it certainly won’t be solved that way but have your cry and then move on with a plan that is going to get you beyond it and propel you to a higher level of understanding. And as always, communicating or writing out your feelings will open your eyes to other possibilities and paths forward that you otherwise wouldn’t have thought of! Tell me what kind of tantrums you throw and how you move past it.

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