To write is to understand

adoptee writingSo I’m ALMOST ready to print my book!! The cover and back is being designed now and then it’ll be off to the printers. I’m so excited to share this with the world. However, even if I don’t sell one book, the process has been worth it because it has enriched all of my relationships. Writing is therapeutic for the author and everyone it involves because it is communicating. Some people (like me) have trouble verbalizing how they feel in the moment rather we like to think about it and then express ourselves when we have our thoughts together and have rationalized what we’re feeling and why. The interesting part of writing my book was that it forced me to answer questions I never thought of before and in the process ended up explaining to myself why things were the way they were. It helped me to understand my mom SO MUCH BETTER. She might not know it but writing this book changed the way I see her. I’m much more appreciative and grateful to her and I’ve begun to show her my appreciation. My book let her know that I was sorry for my actions throughout my young adult life. When she read it, she was also able to understand me better and it eased her insecurities about our relationship. We are on a different level of understanding and have more compassion towards each other. I’m so grateful that it’s a “better late than never” scenario! This book also was a catalyst for me to learn who my birth father was. I was able to express to my birth mother my desire to know without having to ask directly and maybe hurt her feelings. I was so worried about her in that situation since he had never known about me and I was worried she would get backlash from him when she did finally tell him. Because of this book, I learned who my birth father is and thankfully no one got hurt in that process. I also believe that the book helped my daughter’s father have a deeper understanding of what I went through during my life. Although he and I work very well together, I feel like since he’s read it he has more compassion for what I went through and understanding of how I dealt with things. And finally, maybe most importantly, my daughter has read the book. I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted her reading all the sordid details of my mistakes and the downfall of her father’s and my relationship but I felt she was mature enough to handle it. I truly believe reading it has helped her to have a better relationship with both her father and me. She really understands now on both sides what things were like and what the circumstances were and why we aren’t together. She gets it, she is compassionate about it, and she has an amazing relationship with the both of us. Since the day I started writing this book, I have been on an emotional roller coaster but that part of the ride is now over and I’ve come out on top with a solid understanding of myself and those around me. Even if I never print or sell one copy, the book has served its purpose. I have closure.

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