adoptees as parents

adoptee parentingDo you think being an adoptee has an affect on how you parent? I personally don’t feel like it affects the way I parent but I wonder if there are other adoptees out there who feel differently? I think it could affect it just because how we feel about ourselves impacts the way we parent our children. For instance, if an adoptee feels like they were unwanted then they might cling extra tight to their kids. The adoptee could overcompensate and smother them, wanting to make sure their children know they are wanted. Another possibility is that an adoptee feels insecure about people wanting or liking them, in general, and might fear that their own children don’t love them, either. This may cause the adoptee to spoil their children. On the other hand, being adopted could have a positive impact on the way an adoptee parents. Knowing you’re adopted could make you thankful for being able to have children of your own. Maybe the adoptee realizes that if they hadn’t been adopted, they wouldn’t have had those children so they appreciate them that much more. If you believe that the way you parent has a lot to do with the way you feel about yourself (and I do believe that) then it stands to reason that being adopted does have an effect on the way you interact with your children. If that is the case, then I think it ties back to the age at which you were adopted, as I’ve written about before. I think the older you are when you’re adopted, the higher the chances of you having low self-worth and insecurity issues therefore affecting the way you parent. However, if you’re adopted from birth and never knew any different than the family you had, then you are less likely to suffer from those feelings. What do you think? If you were adopted at an older age and you feel like it affected your parenting skills, I want to know! Am I right? Am I wrong? Tell me your opinion!

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