Birth Parents = Selfless Sacrifice

adoptee selflessHave you ever tried to imagine how hard it would be to grow a baby in your tummy for 9 months to then just hand that sweet baby over to someone else?? I was watching a “16 and Pregnant: Where Are They Now” episode today and I watched a young girl who was struggling with her baby’s daddy and life say to the camera: “I don’t regret NOT giving my baby up for adoption because I would’ve been miserable every day of my life.” I can’t tell you how mad I was to hear that from the young mom. The baby’s father is a recovering drug addict and there is no stability nor does she have a job. So, really? Are you glad you didn’t go with adoption to make yourself feel better?? Do you think that your baby will be so happy that he/she is raised in a broken home with a drug addict for a father and no financial stability? Think about what is best for the baby. My birth mother and every other birth parent out there was extremely courageous and SELFLESS for giving their babies the best life possible while suffering from the huge loss of that child. Ashley, also from “16 & Pregnant”, struggled with the loss so bad that she wasn’t strong enough to go through with it. It’s a life-changing decision for birth parents and the baby. I wish that young parents like Catelynn and Tyler from “Teen Mom” could realize that it isn’t about their feelings or how miserable they will be rather it’s about giving a child a chance at a happy life with responsible and loving parents who can give that baby every opportunity life has to offer. Birth parents should wear badges of honor because it is so hard and they were brave enough to do what was best. I thank my birth mother all the time. Even if she never did anything with her life and gave me up because she just didn’t want a kid, I would still thank her. However, my birth mother is wonderful and has had a good life, which makes me happy because she would not have that good life (like I also have) if she hadn’t made the selfless decision to place me for adoption. We all need to be grateful as adoptees and I beg you, if you are a young mother and not in a good situation or just not ready for kids, please consider adoption. Your child will recognize the courage it took and will thank you. This post is in honor of all birth parents. <3

2 thoughts on “Birth Parents = Selfless Sacrifice”

  1. Your birth father was neither a drug addict, or an alcoholic. We were simply too immature to make a relationship last a lifetime. That’s not to say that I did not love him, because I did, very much. He ended the relationship on a day in July, driving home from a weekend at his parents house on the bay. I was very distraught and scared – I thought I was pregnant, but wasn’t sure. What was I to do? He didn’t love me, I know that now. He was ready to move on to some one new. So, I did what I did best, prayed. I knew I had no means to support myself, much less a baby. I did not feel like I could do it alone, and that’s what it would have been for us – alone. I trusted the adoption system, heck, my 2 best friends were adopted, and they were great! The same thing would happen to my baby, right??

  2. Awww you absolutely did the right thing and I know how hard it was. I’m thankful you made that sacrifice! You should be proud of the strong decision you made as a young girl. Xoxo

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