Silence is golden, but deadly!

adoptee silenceEver been given the silent treatment? Doesn’t it drive you nuts? When I hear people arguing or even if I’ve been caught in an argument, I hear words being misconstrued and reused and thrown back in the other person’s face in a very negative way. Then I notice the confusion set in and get worse because now, in the heat of the moment, no one takes the time to make sure they are saying what they mean and saying it correctly. Instead, I like to say nothing. You know, less is more! When I say less then the less they can misinterpret my message. And it really does drive someone crazy to be ignored. There’s nothing to retort to so they eventually give up and walk away until cooler heads prevail. Words are very harmful so why would I chance saying something I might have to apologize for later? I keep my mouth closed so that the argument does not get worse and I watch the other person get so aggravated they give up. Try it next time and see what happens! Silence isn’t actually deadly but it does make a statement!

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