The College Football Season Has Begun!!

adoptee teamsI have a deep passion for three different college football teams. A lot of my friends tell me this is not acceptable and that you should only have one, MAYBE two favorite teams. I say, share the love! The more teams you love the more fun the season is! I do prioritize them, though. I have always and always will put my Hogs above all else. I was raised in Arkansas and although I chose to move away, I still love the Hogs. I am a Hog girl, through and through. However, when I found my birth mom 8 years ago and started spending a lot of time in Mobile, Alabama where I was born, I became a huge Alabama fan. It sure is nice that they’re an awesome team and National Champs. And then finally, I root for my husband’s favorite team, the Miami Hurricanes. I do enjoy their sordid past. When so many other households are divided, we are united for our three favorite teams! I say, if you’re adopted you can root for where you were born AND where you were raised or went to college. It’s your birthright! 😉 Enjoy this season people and WOOOOOOOOOOO PIG SOOOOIE!!!!!!!!!!! Roll Tide!!!! and…. It’s all about the U!

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