I would like to take this opportunity to give credit to Billy Blanks (Taebo creator) for my favorite saying… Where I am today is where my mind put me. It is SO true! Although he was using it to motivate people who want to get in shape and be healthy, I feel like it applies to everything in our lives. Think about it…. Thoughts are begun and decisions are made in our minds. In the context of health, the debate on whether or not I’m going to have that donut right in front of me happens in my mind and then I make the decision. Of course once in a while it is ok but if your mind continues to decide to eat donuts and other fatty foods then my weight will increase. Unless! … unless we are so determined to get in shape we make the decision not to have that donut. That is how our minds put us where we are today. So that mantra applies to every post I’ve made about making the decision to find the positive in every situation and living your life that way. I’m happy and successful because my mind put me where I am today. Thanks Billy!
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