I arrived back to my husband last night at one o’clock in the morning! Is there anything worse than trying to get home and suffering air traffic delays?! My time at home was really special this time because I am leaving more of “Liz the brat” behind and maturing into an adult adoptee who can truly appreciate my parents. People may assume by my blog posts that I had a perfect life and that’s why it is so easy for me to be so positive but I assure you, it was not perfect and I had trouble finding my place in my family. It wasn’t their fault; I brought it on myself by having crazy expectations of where and who I should be. I think there are so many kids out there that go through those same troubles whether they are adopted or not. Adopted kids, however, sometimes use the fact they are adopted as a way to place blame: either on their parents or on their birth parents. Stop using excuses. if you’re not getting along or having trouble with your family, look at yourself. You’ll always find the answer within. It took me over 30 years to figure this out and unfortunately, I am now on borrowed time with my parents. Grab a mirror and think about responsibility, forgiveness, and acceptance. The sooner you do that, the sooner you can find peace within. When you find peace within, your inner light shines on others… Tell me the thought of that doesn’t bring a lovely smile to your face. 🙂